Eustache Le Sueur 1616 – 1655

The Rape of Tamar

oil on canvas (189 × 161 cm) — c. 1640 Museum Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Eustache Le Sueur biography

This work is linked to 2 Samuel 13:14

Tamar was a daughter of King David. Her half-brother Amnon fancied her, and managed to lure her into his tent.

David did nothing when he heard of the rape. Tamar's brother Absalom revenged his sister by killing Amnon two years later.

Absalom's act was not purely revenge. By removing Amnon he himself came closer to becoming David's successor.

Le Sueur was a student of Simon Vouet. Vouet's favorite props - tichely detailed curtain and urn - are both present in this painting.

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